Yea, graphics engine and game design is some heavy shit. Takes alot of brain to make a good game.
So uninteresting it hurts.
Age 31, Male
Recently Fired 4eva
Joined on 12/30/06
Yea, graphics engine and game design is some heavy shit. Takes alot of brain to make a good game.
Ya well hopefully im like my dad who learned how to use oracle and some other programming system to which i forget the name of and learned them both in about 2 weeks. But I guess its just because you cant find any good programers these days...actually check out the website is down. Google it
Well, I don't really have a question...
but I love that PS edit. Hilarious. I knew that flash smash reminded me of something! :)
Thanks, this one took me awhile. However I like how it came out, it was also really hard to actually make the face. I admit I did however base it off a lazer face I had already found on the internet but they look pretty much the same. what took the longest was the part of the lazer blasting out of his mouth, the actual beam is just (the name of the pokemon escapes me)'s super smash attack thingy...Its been awhile since I played.
Lol, nice pic. Anyway about the questions part, this may be kinda random but what are you planning to do for college as a job? And what kind of food do you like? Lol...yea i know random.
Mozaralio (Updated )
Uhm I really want to get into the game designing field you know graphics and pyhsics engines and such alot to do with computers and programing coding and so forth, and for food...Well if we arent talking about junk food I like quasadillas (I think thats how its spelled) hope that helps. With what ever your doing...